

This page contains information and ideas regarding Environment Friendly Resources!

We are ALL responsible for ongoing care of Planet Earth.

This area of our site is devoted to environmental concerns, and will contain information or links to help you:

  1. Learn what is occurring now.

  2. Ways in which you can help.

  3. Assist all of us make ongoing and wise choices in our personal lives, thereby guranteeing to hold Earth's future in perpetuity for our grandchildren's great-grandchildren.

Do you have ideas on what we could post here?

Please do let Roger know!

Enviro Friendly Strategies

Enviro Friendly Resources

  1. Enviro Friendly Resources For Life

  2. Enviro Friendly Products - Australia

  3. Enviro Friendly Products - Canada

  4. Environmentally Friendly Resource Library

Enviro Friendly Science

  1. Environmental Science Fair Projects For Earth-Friendly Learning

  2. Enviro Friendly Environmental Science Projects

Enviro Friendly Eco-Tourism

  1. What is Ecotourism?

  2. Ecotourism Guidelines

  3. The Nature Conservancy

  4. Friends of the Earth

Eco Friendly World

The following resources are suggestions from Annie, education coordinator for Eco Friendly World. Thanks for caring and sharing, Annie!

  1. Recycling Facts To Make You Go Green!

  2. 40 ways to go greener at home . . . besides just recycling

  3. Calculators, Tips, and More for Improving MPGs in Your Car

  4. Coupon Wisely — Tips for Eco Friendly Shopping
