


This Area of Our Site is Dedicated to Children!

PYFN believes that children represent the world's most important resource!

Let's work together to offer them a local and global environment in which they can grow, learn, live, love, and contribute in ways that outshine all previous generations!



If you have suggestions of sites designed for children of all ages, please send the site address(es) to us for review by contacting Roger. Please title the subject line "CHILDREN'S SITES."

Also, please inform us if you discover a 'broken' link; please title the subject line "BROKEN LINK."

For comments, questions, or other input on PYFN's Kid's Corner section, please contact Roger.

4 Space Weather Sites for Children

  1. ESA

  2. Space Weather Center

  3. NASA — Play!

4 News Sites for Children

  1. National Geographic Kid's News

  2. Headline News for Kids

  3. Global Gang — Global News for Children

8 General Sites for Children

  1. American Library Association

  2. Educational and Entertaining Websites for Kid's

  3. USA Government Websites for Kid's

  4. Surfing the Net with Kid's — Barbara J. Feldman

  5. Linkasaurus Websites for Kid's

  6. Free Crafts for Kid's

  7. Kid's Online Resources

21 Educational Sites for Children

  1. Fun Car Facts: Simple Machines in Automobiles

  2. ZoomSci: Science and Engineering Projects for Kids

  3. Smokey the Bear for Kids

  4. Wildlife and Nature Lesson Plans and Resources for Educators

  5. Museums of the World

  6. Social Study Sites

  7. Math Sites

  8. Language Arts Sites

  9. Teaching Strategies for Incorporating Writing Into Math Class

  10. Astronomy and Space Sites

  11. Planets for Kids ... Free Astronomy Network for Kids

  12. Games and Activities

  13. EPA Climate Change Site for Children

  14. Factual Information for Children

  15. Family Education for Parents and Children

  16. Financial Literacy and Real Estate Investment Lesson Plans

  17. HTML Tutorial for kids

  18. Learn about the Weather!

  19. A Guide to Simple Machines Used in Cars

Thanks so much to Courtney and the children under her care for the site A Guide to Simple Machines Used in Cars. You're the best!

11 Energy Conservation Sites for Children

I wish to thank Jasmine and her colleagues at EducatorLabs for her wonderful suggestions via email communication. As a result of our communication and Jasmine's suggestions, PYFN has added a new section to our Kid's Corner page: Energy Conservation for Children. Currently, this section includes 10 additional sites for children to browse and from which to learn! Cool, eh?

In their own words, the folks at EducatorLabs are "comprised of school librarians and media/market research specialists who work as curators and conservators of the scholastic web." An admirable task, wouldn't you say?

  1. The Kid's Guide to Saving Energy — Thanks to Eric, Communications Director from SaveOnEnergy, for this "Nico the Ninja" kid's energy-saving workbook. A very nice addition to PYFN's resource list!

7 Protect the Planet Sites

I wish to thank Sara and her colleagues at EducatorLabs for her Protect the Planet suggestions. Sara's suggestions (Items 1-6) prompted PYFN to add this section to our Kid's Corner page. Currently, this section includes 6 additional sites for children to browse and from which to learn! Cool, eh?

In their own words, the folks at EducatorLabs are "comprised of school librarians and media/market research specialists who work as curators and conservators of the scholastic web." An admirable task, wouldn't you say?

  1. — Thanks Jane for this suggestion!

10 Sites on Recycling for Kids

I wish to thank Jack from All Green PR, based in London, England, for his "Recycling for Kids" site suggestion. As a result of his suggestion, PYFN has added a new section to our Kid's Corner page: Recycling for Kids. Currently, this section includes 10 additional sites for children to browse and from which to learn about recycling! Cool, eh?

28 Total Astronomy Sites for Girl Scout Badges

This Section is Dedicated to Cindy and her Girl Scout Seniors

Cindy and her Girl Scout Seniors (Grades 9-10) resourced PYFN's Kid's Corner page while working to earn their Sky Naturalist Badge. Cindy's Girl Scout Seniors suggested that PYFN add the following 28 resource links.

We were more than happy to oblige!

4 Sites with Webcams

  1. Watch the Northern Lights — Canadian Space Agency site. The AuroraMAX observatory ended its season on May 5, 2015, and will take a short break for the summer months while the Midnight Sun in Northern Canada makes it too difficult to see the aurora. In the meantime, follow them on Twitter (@AuroraMAX) for aurora alerts, photos and more. Please visit this page again in late summer when AuroraMAX will continue to bring you the greatest natural light show on Earth!
  2. High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) — The HDEV experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS) was activated April 30, 2014.

  3. Kitt Peak National Observatory — Operated by National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO).

  4. Live ISS Stream — View live astronaut activity or a video of Earth.

4 Sites on Photography

  1. Hubble Image of Galleries — Hubble Telescope images.
  2. Radio Wave Images — Learn how scientists make a Radio Wave Image of planets in our solar system, galaxies, and distant quasars.

  3. Behind the Images Produced by Hubble — A look at how Hubble actually makes images.

4 Sites on Stars

  1. Stars in the Constellation Orion — Interesting info regarding the seven major stars of Orion.
  2. What Are Stars? — Short video on Stars; produced for children.

  3. Hmm! Is the Sun the Hottest Star in the Universe? — University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) scientists answer questions from students and teachers in K-12 grades.

  4. The Sun — Factual info regarding our Sun.

4 Sites on the Moon

  1. Phases of the Moon — The Moon goes through "phases" according to how sunlight hits it. This page provides information on the phases of the Moon.
  2. All about the Moon — Factual info about the Moon.

  3. What we Know and Don't Know about the Moon — 5 1/2 minute video about the Moon.

  4. Lunar Phase Simulator — Interactive simulator to help students learn about and view the phases of the Moon.

4 Sites on Asteroids

  1. What Are Asteroids? — A page that discusses Asteroids; sponsored by Cool Cosmos, an infrared guide to the world and the universe.
  2. Exploring Asteroids — An informative guide about Asteroids.

  3. What is the Origin of Asteroids? — Factual info about Asteroids and the Asteroid Belt.

  4. Explore Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors — This page helps you learn differnces between Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors. Very informative!

4 Sites on Planets

  1. Facts About Our Planets — A page that offers facutal info about our Planets.
  2. The Earth and Beyond — This page is sponsored by the Children's University of Manchester. It presents interesting and fun info regarding our planets.

  3. Dwarf Planets — This page is sponsored by The National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA). It describes Dwarf Planets and names the Dwarf Planets in our solar system.

  4. Your Weight on Other Worlds — How much you weigh is a function of gravity. Gravity is different on different planets; therefore, you would not weigh the same if you were on other planets. This interactive page provides you an opportunity to determine what you would weigh on other planets. Fun and informative!

4 Sites on Astronomy Games and Puzzles

  1. Asteroid, Comet, or Meteor? — This page presents a Quiz on Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors. Please read Explore Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors before you take this Quiz.
  2. Build a Solar System! — This page is sponsored by BrainPop It presents an interactive game on our solar system.

  3. Drive a Rover on Mars! — This page is sponsored by MarsQuest Online. It provides a fun and informative way to interact with the Mars Rover with YOU as the driver. Sweet!

Once again, many thanks go out to Cindy and her Girl Scout Seniors for their dedication in earning the Sky Naturalist Badge and the wonderful resource suggestions.

PYFN is very proud of them! These Girls ROCK!

11 Sites for Teachers and Parents

  1. Free Preschool Worksheets — Highly recommended!
  2. Discovery Education — Classroom Resources

  3. "Togetherville" — Safe Social Media for Kids Sponsored by CNN

  4. Scuttlepad — A Safe Social Network for Kids ages 6-11

  5. Giant Hello — Social Gaming for Kids

11 Engaging Online Lesson Plans for K-12 Educators Plus 3 Additional Sites

Sara, from Educator Labs, suggested these 11 sites. Thank-you, Sara, for caring enough to share your resources. The Educator Labs vision statement includes, "EducatorLabs is comprised of school librarians and media/market research specialists who work as curators and conservators of the scholastic web." Suffice it say that when it's time to research educational resources, this site is well worth a visit.

We at PYFN appreciate folks like Sara—who help us keep our Kids Corner page fresh! We reviewed Sara's suggested sites and found them compatible with PYFN's quality and safety standards. Outstanding!

  1. Insects in the Classroom — Lesson Plans
  2. Jets, Planes and Helicopters — How Do They Fly?

  3. Engineering the Future — The Educator's Guide to Building and Construction

  4. The Ultimate Guide to Satellites for Educators — 35 Lesson Plans and Activities for K-12 Educators

Jasmine, from Educator Labs suggested additional sites; these appear below. Thanks Jasmine!

1 Site on Baby Proofing and Child Safety at Home

Francine, from, suggested a lively and highly useful baby-proofing guide, "Baby Proofing and Child Safety at Home: A Complete Guide." This guide, written by Krista Nilsen Bordner, provides a wealth of information on baby proofing. A great read for parents, teachers, grandparents, and any who have an interest in children's safety.

Thank-you, Francine! We at PYFN appreciate folks like Francine—who help us keep our Kids Corner page fresh! We reviewed Francine's suggested guide and found it compatible with PYFN's quality and children's safety standards. Outstanding!

Baby Proofing and Child Safety at Home: A Complete Guide

6 Sites for Social-Emotional Development in Young Children

Patricia, from, suggested that PYFN include a list of resources for parents, teachers, and interested parties that addresses social-emotional development in young children. This section reflects her suggestions.

Thank-you, Patricia! We at PYFN appreciate folks like Patricia; they help us keep our Kids Corner page fresh! We reviewed Patricia's suggested resources and found them compatible with PYFN's quality and children's safety standards. Outstanding!

  1. New Baby Sibling: Helping Your Older Child (or Children) Adjust — Information provided by the University of Michigan Health System

8 Educational Resources for Home Schooling

Jenny, from Special Home Educator, suggested that PYFN include a list of resources that she and her husband found useful for Home Schooling. This section reflects her suggestions.

Thank-you, Jenny! We reviewed Jenny's suggested resources and found them compatible with PYFN's quality and children's safety standards. Outstanding!

7 Helpful Resources for Curriculum Development

Stacy, a math advocate from, suggested that PYFN include a list of seven resources helpful for curriculum development. This section reflects these suggestions.

Thank-you, Stacy! We reviewed Stacy's suggested resources and found them compatible with PYFN's quality and children's safety standards. Outstanding!

1 Site How Much Does It Cost to Have a Baby?

Holly, from The Simple Dollar, suggested that PYFN include a link for the following article:

Thank-you, Holly! While this particular article does not fit PYFN's Kid's Corner page the same as much of the info found here, it is relevant and important enough to include here! We reviewed Holly's article and found it compatible with PYFN's quality and children's safety standards. We at PYFN believe that new—or soon to be new—parents will find the article useful and pertinent to their situation!

Holly wrote of The Simple Dollar, "The Simple Dollar began as a site for people who are fighting debt and bad spending habits, while trying to build a financially secure future. Our goal is to provide a personal finance platform where we can help people make better financial decisions and to build a financially secure future."

Additional articles written by Holly may be found at The Simple Dollar.

12 Educational Sites from Forever Curious

Forever Curious is managed and maintained by a "group of librarians and educators seeking to curate the best educational resources and lesson plans for people of all ages."

Sarah from Forever Curious suggested these 8 resources. Following a review of them, PYFN agrees they are worthy of listing here.

Many thanks to Sarah and her colleagues from Forever Curious.

  1. Classroom in the Kitchen Lesson Plans — This is a 269 page PDF document.

The following 4 sites were suggested by Meagan from Forever Curious. Thanks Meagan!

Safety Issues & Kids

Matt, Community Relations Manager for, suggested the following information on Tips for Child Safety at Home. Thanks Matt!

  1. Fire Safety Checklist — This is a single-page PDF document that can be saved and printed. Great checklist for kids!
  2. The Handy Dandy Fire Safety Guide — This is a 10-page PDF Fire Safety Guide for Kids. Well worth a read!

8 Suggested Resources from the Open Educators Team

Tilda, from Open Educators, suggested the following information as "ways to engage students in and out of hte classroom while still teaching them the valuable lessons they need to succeed." Thanks Tilda and the team from Open Educators!

This page last updated April 17, 2017.
